Wide range of certification

It is increasingly important for consumers and suppliers to meet the requirements. Through a wide range of certification, we can demonstrate that we live up to our word and adhere to sustainability and quality requirements.

We guarantee quality in every link of the chain by constantly monitoring, evaluating and optimising. In addition, we regularly have our processes audited by independent certification bodies. They confirm our commitment to quality and have awarded all certificates.


Global Good Agricultural Practices. This quality mark has been made mandatory by various European supermarkets and enables our primary producers to certify their efforts in the field of food safety, sustainability and quality. The GlobalGAP standard applies specifically to the production of agricultural products for human consumption. Thanks to the guidelines of GlobalGAP, Geurts Champignons products comply with:

  • Safety and well-being of farmers and consumers
  • Traceable
  • Pesticide minimisation
  • Minimisation of agrochemical additives
  • Integrated Crop Management (ICM)
  • Efficient use of resources
  • Environmental awareness


IFS stands for International Food Standard. IFS works with 10 criteria. Every year, Geurts Champignons is audited by an independent organisation to see whether we still meet the high standards of this prestigious quality mark. Only if we meet all the criteria will we get this certification.

  • Management responsibilities
  • Quality and food safety management system
  • Management of resources and personnel
  • Planning and production process
  • Measurements, analysis, improvements

Skal Biocontrole

Skal Biocontrole is an independent, reliable organisation when it comes to safeguarding our organic products. The Skal quality mark guarantees that Geurts Champignons complies with the strict EU rules for the organic production, processing and marketing of products. As an independent organisation, Skal Biocontrole supervises the organic sector in the Netherlands.


Geurts Champignons is committed to more sustainable production with the Planet Proof label. As a chain director, we ensure that our growers meet the strict requirements. The quality mark stands for cleaner air, fertile soil, good water quality and animal welfare. By committing to sustainability, we contribute to a better world for everyone.


Geurts Champignons attaches great importance to good working conditions for its employees. This is ensured by means of grasp certification, a component of GlobalGAP. This involves checking whether Geurts Champignons meets strict requirements in the field of personnel and payroll administration, pensions, outsourcing of work and social aspects such as the well-being and remuneration level of employees, and health and safety aspects. In this way, Geurts Champignons guarantees that they treat their employees responsibly and respectfully.


Geurts Champignons is in possession of the SNSF quality mark of the Stichting Normering Flexwonen. This quality mark guarantees the quality of housing for our migrant workers. Compliance with the set standards is checked by municipalities, housing associations, clients and other stakeholders. With the SNSF quality mark, we gain the trust of all these stakeholders and contribute to improving the living conditions of our employees.